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We are:
🌍 🌏 Global - 10 events across the world. 🏠 🏬 Hybrid - Offine Community drives IRL events
🏫 👩🎓 Educational - providing skill based learning. 👨 👩 Diverse - commitment to 50% non-male and 30% non-white
🎈 🎉 Fun - incredible networking and memorable experiences 🤩 🧠 Inspiring - speakers from outside of the industry
📈📊Valuable - provide Research and Advisory on subjects that need highlighting 🧾 ✅Actionable - we provide actual takeaways
💡🎆 Informative - our collaborative end user round tables deliver direct peer-to-peer insights 😊🤗Inclusive - we do all we can to ensure everyone is comfortable and treated with respect
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